
Mazinkaiser (マジンカイザーMajinkaizā) is an anime OVA produced by Brain’s Base and Dynamic Productions, based on the Mazinkaiser Design that debuted in Super Robot Wars games and the original Mazinger Z manga by Go Nagai. The ova follows Kouji Kabuto, Tetsuya Tsurugi and the rest of the “Mazinger Team” as they fight against Dr. Hell‘s Mechanical Beasts while Kouji stumbles upon a forgotten laboratory where he finds Mazinkaiser, the most powerful robot ever built. The series chronicles Kouji’s experience with the machine as he copes with Kaiser’s power while defeating Dr. Hell’s forces.[1]

The OVA series was directed by Masahiko Murata (Jinki:ExtendCorpse Princess) and written by Satoru Nishizono and Shinzo Fujita. It was first released on Japan through Home Video from September 25, 2001 to September 25, 2002 with a total of 7 episodes. An epilogue movie titled “Mazinkaiser vs. The Great General of Darkness” was released on theaters on July 25, 2003. Mazinkaiser emulates Go Nagai’s character designs, and its operatic plot is supported by a “tongue-in-cheek” cynicism in regard to the gratuitous sex and violence. Some of the Episodes draw their plot elements from the manga itself rather than the TV series. ADV Films once licensed the series in English territories until the company’s closure in 2009.

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Mazinkaiser SRW version song complete



Mazinkaiser ULTIMATE Opening HQ



Ichiro Mizuki – Mazinkaiser (Subtitulos Español)



opening mazinkaiser-ovas



Mazinkaiser Alternative OP


Mazinger Fire Wars



Ichiro Mizuki – Mazinkaiser no Thema (Subtitulos Español)



Ore wa Mazinkaiser



Mazinkaiser (2nd Ending)



Mazinkaiser OST Track 07 Fellow



Mazinkaiser Tribute






SRW @3: Mazinkaiser (Extended)



(GaoGaiKingTheGreat) Super Robot Wars Z5Ds Opening Mazinkaiser



Mazinkaiser serie completa Sub. Español + Combate a muerte vs el general negro






マジンカイザーMajinkaizā is an anime OVA produced by Brain’s Base and Dynamic Productions, based on the  Design that debuted in Super Robot Wars games and the original Mazinger Z manga by Go Nagai. The ova follows Kouji Kabuto, Tetsuya Tsurugi and the rest of the “Mazinger Team” as they fight against Dr. Hell‘s Mechanical Beasts while Kouji stumbles upon a forgotten laboratory where he finds , the most powerful robot ever built. The series chronicles Kouji’s experience with the machine as he copes with Kaiser’s power while defeating Dr. Hell’s forces.[1]

The OVA series was directed by Masahiko Murata (Jinki:ExtendCorpse Princess) and written by Satoru Nishizono and Shinzo Fujita. It was first released on Japan through Home Video from September 25, 2001 to September 25, 2002 with a total of 7 episodes. An epilogue movie titled ” vs. The Great General of Darkness” was released on theaters on July 25, 2003.  emulates Go Nagai’s character designs, and its operatic plot is supported by a “tongue-in-cheek” cynicism in regard to the gratuitous sex and violence. Some of the Episodes draw their plot elements from the manga itself rather than the TV series. ADV Films once licensed the series in English territories until the company’s closure in 2009.


マジンカイザーMajinkaizā is an anime OVA produced by Brain’s Base and Dynamic Productions, based on the  Design that debuted in Super Robot Wars games and the original Mazinger Z manga by Go Nagai. The ova follows Kouji Kabuto, Tetsuya Tsurugi and the rest of the “Mazinger Team” as they fight against Dr. Hell‘s Mechanical Beasts while Kouji stumbles upon a forgotten laboratory where he finds , the most powerful robot ever built. The series chronicles Kouji’s experience with the machine as he copes with Kaiser’s power while defeating Dr. Hell’s forces.[1]

The OVA series was directed by Masahiko Murata (Jinki:ExtendCorpse Princess) and written by Satoru Nishizono and Shinzo Fujita. It was first released on Japan through Home Video from September 25, 2001 to September 25, 2002 with a total of 7 episodes. An epilogue movie titled ” vs. The Great General of Darkness” was released on theaters on July 25, 2003.  emulates Go Nagai’s character designs, and its operatic plot is supported by a “tongue-in-cheek” cynicism in regard to the gratuitous sex and violence. Some of the Episodes draw their plot elements from the manga itself rather than the TV series. ADV Films once licensed the series in English territories until the company’s closure in 2009.

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